Wednesday 23 January 2013

Rocking Cape Town: Day 7...

Hoorah! I finally managed to channel my inner " IT" geek and figure out why my blog hasn't been allowing me to upload certain images. With that said, I can now finish the  Rocking Cape Town 2012  series that I started .
I last left off at day 6 of my adventure in the mother city. So its only inevitable that I proceed with day 7 is it not...

A pretty uneventful morning of walking through Company Gardens and Green Market Square. Your typical African souvenir stores ripping tourists off and convincing them to buy a bongo drum and beadwork. Its rather entertaining actualy stocking up on all of it. Amongst the bustle of the square, theres this guy who sits on the corner of a building and pays the guitar. There's a catch though, he doesn't play the guitar like  a regular musician. He sort of props it up to his face and strums away. Regardless of this, it's actually really really good, and pleasant to listen to....more so than half the music pop stars are putting out there.
I then proceeded to convince my family that we HAVE to go to Truth Coffee (click me!) in Buitenkant Street. Mainly to see the finished interiors that Haldane (click me!) and Maroaan had been working on so timelessly throughout my internship. I must say, they really hit the nail on the head with the steampunk interior and attention to detail. The service and general running of the restaurant however is not something I am going to rave about. Its kind of "all over the place" and they don't even have menu's. NowIi know what coffee I usually want, but alteast give me something else to look at too. Even if you have to write it on the floor. Truth really does have such great potential but theres just something lacking.
On a last note... they do roast coffee, and they do it properly too.

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