Friday 7 September 2012

a shade of light...a shade of dark..

50 Shades of Grey….

Yes, that is currently the novel my nose is buried deep into. And it’s raunchy, very raunchy. But with this cold, wet and overcast weather, what better book to indulge in than the oh so scandalous 50 Shades of Grey by E.L James. The friend who so kindly lent me the book managed to read the 514 page book in just 2 days. I on the other hand have not been so successful. I find myself having to put the book down in the middle of a chapter and literally tell myself to “breathe” ( as Christian Grey, one of the lead characters in the book, says countless times to a Miss Anastacia Steele). Now I’m nowhere near finished, but do yourself a favour and beg steal or borrow the book…it really is worth it.

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